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Last Updated: 2014/02/20
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Is it allowed to work in a place where food is prepared by pork or supermarket where sells such products? And also is it ok to touch them?
1. In the confectionaries of England there are times when they use cooked pork which is a common food here, is it permissible to work in such places? Can we touch such food? 2. If one works as a cashier in a department store when a customer brings the wine or pork to pay for, can we touch it? Is it ok to work there at all?
Concise answer
Grand Maraje’, do not find it permissible to work in such places where haram products are sold, so if your job is exclusively related to selling pork, you are not allowed to work there, otherwise there is no problem. Anyway, there would be no problem in case your body contacted with the above mentioned products. Ultimately, if it is with the moisture which gets transferred to another object, it will transmit impurity (najasat) to your body which it comes in contact with and therefore you can wash the impure body.
The grand jurisprudent’s verdict in this regard is as follows:[1]
Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (may Allah grant him long life):
1 and 2. If your work is exclusively related to selling pork, you are not allowed to work there. Otherwise there is no problem to work in other sections of that supermarket.
In any case, the pork is impure (najas) and thus, if it is with the moisture which gets transferred to another object, it will transmit impurity (najasat) to your body that it comes in contact with. Otherwise, if it is with the moisture which is too little to be transmitted to another object or the both (your hand and pork) have no any moisture, your hand will not become najas and then it is treated as clean.
Office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani (may Allah grant him long life):
2. There is no problem to touch it but selling it is forbidden (haram).
Office of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi (may Allah grant him long life):
The precaution you are supposed to observe is to avoid choosing such a career.
Office of Grand Ayatollah Saafi Gulpaigani (may Allah grant him long life):
1. There is no problem to work in a place where they don’t use pork. But you should know that such foods which are provided by pork will transfer the impurity (najasat) to your body in case you touch it.
2. Touching pork itself, or wine will transmit the impurity to your body. And the permissibility of working in this place, is disputable and cannot be verified.
Office of Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamadani (may Allah grant him long life):
Generally, providing and producing pork for human consumption is not permitted, but it is permitted to touch it though your hand must be cleansed later.
An answer by Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani (may Allah grant him long life):
  1. There is no problem to work in such places.
  2. Touching impure (najas) things like pork and wine is not forbidden canonically. However, it causes your body which it comes in contact with to become impure, if it is with the moisture which gets transferred to another object.

[1] . Question was sent to the office of Ayatollah Khamenie, Sistani, Makarem Shirazi, Saafi Gulpaigani and Noori Hamadani (may Allah grant them long life) by IslamQuest website.
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